UralTone Eurorack Series - VCO - DIY KIT
UralTone VCO is AS3340 (CEM3340) based 8HP width moduuli.
The circuit follows basic datascheet 3340 example without any surprices. However there is some options for builder to choose from: Sync operation may be either selectable between hard or soft sync explained on 3340 data scheet or done as usual in 3340 based synths. PCB has also sinewave sharper so for example the inverted saw output may be replaced by this. Having both saw types are intended for LFO usage.
The VCO is easy to build but requires some calibration before usage.
Dials: Fine, PW, PWM, Lin FM
Switches: Octave, Sync
Connectors: CV in, PWM in, LIN FM in, Sync in, Saw out, Inv Saw out, Square out, Triangle out. All outputs are scaled to 0-10V
Operation voltage: +12V @ ---mA / -12V @ ---mA
Measures: 8HP / depth: ---mm
-Assembly instructions
-Tech support via email
-Front panel: Black glassfibrelaminate board with metallic text
-High quality PCBs (throuhg hole plated, silk screened)
What is included in the kit?
You´ll get all the parts that are needed to build the fully working eurorack module, istructions and parts for 10pin power supply cable.
How long it takes to assemble this kit?
Professional builder can do it in 1-2 hours, but for beginners, it can take 2-4 hours.
For whom this kit is suitable?
Kit is intended for all, beginners, experienced builders etc. These kits works with safe voltafes and building is just easy and fun - it's always rewarding to use something that you have built by your own hands. Assembling the kit however requires special care - after all this is connected as part of expensive eurorack system.
What kind of tools do you need to build kits?
Pretty basic tools are enough but, especially if you are the beginner, please use a good soldering station and good quality solder. Making good joints with lousy soldering equipment is difficult. We have collected a tool kit from the tools we actually use every day. These are not that expensive but works great for building all kinds of electronic circuits. You can find it here:
Tool kit for building audio equipments
And you also get the best customer care so if you have any question during the building process or cannot get your project to work we are here to help you!
Barcode | 9900000312398 |
Stock 1 | UralTone Helsinki, 00100 FI |
13 units available |